About page ‘FAQ’ – drop down about ENSEARCH info

Who We Do it For

Our priority is you. Between your current job, family, school, finding a new job or relocating can be difficult and stressful. But, at ENSEARCH, we don’t believe it has to be that way. As neonatal nurse practitioner, you have chosen a career in a very specialized, niche industry. We’re specialized too. [...]

Who We Do it For2014-08-11T08:19:43+00:00

What We Do

We take the burden off of you in the hiring process. By leveraging our insider industry knowledge, relationships, and experience, we match your facility with the best possible neonatal nurse practitioner for the position. Our team of passionate, highly trained recruiters and admin, and research assistants go above and beyond [...]

What We Do2014-08-11T08:20:23+00:00