How to Build Your Leadership Skills While Working in a Clinical Role

In the demanding, fast-paced world of healthcare, having strong leadership skills is essential for career progression and effective patient care. As a neonatal nurse practitioner, honing leadership abilities will help you influence positive change, encourage teamwork, and ultimately, deliver better outcomes for patients. Here, we discuss some ways you can [...]

How to Build Your Leadership Skills While Working in a Clinical Role2024-07-17T07:12:15+00:00

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Job Success

As an NNP, possessing clinical skills is of critical importance for fulfilling your role effectively. Yet, there’s another crucial component in job success: emotional intelligence. While your clinical proficiencies will open doors, it’s emotional intelligence that will help you excel in your career long-term and navigate the complexities of interpersonal [...]

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Job Success2024-06-17T12:51:06+00:00

What’s New in the NICU? A Look at the Newest Technologies and Treatments for NICU Patient Care

In the NICU environment, there are many tools and technologies that allow you to provide the highest level of care to the most vulnerable patients. While NICUs are better equipped to ensure top-notch treatment than ever before, there’s always room for advancements that can offer even better care. Here, we [...]

What’s New in the NICU? A Look at the Newest Technologies and Treatments for NICU Patient Care2024-05-17T13:42:25+00:00

The Benefits of Using a Recruiter in Your Job Search

Whether you’re a recent neonatal nurse practitioner graduate or a seasoned NNP with decades of experience, working with a recruiter can streamline the job search process at any stage in your career. Recruiters offer compelling benefits that can make the transition to your next role smoother and simpler. And the [...]

The Benefits of Using a Recruiter in Your Job Search2024-04-16T11:59:29+00:00

What Does Research Show About the Impact of Work Shift Lengths on Patient & Provider Experiences?

Long shifts for nurses are standard in most hospitals. According to a 2022 study of 577 hospitals, up to 80% of nurses work 12-hour shifts. But just because it’s become the accepted schedule for nursing professionals, that doesn’t necessarily make it the best. Are 12-hour shifts really working? Here’s what the [...]

What Does Research Show About the Impact of Work Shift Lengths on Patient & Provider Experiences?2024-03-14T12:02:07+00:00

Creating a Standout Resume: Tips for Jobseekers

Whether you’re a recent graduate or a veteran nurse with years of experience, you bring unique qualities to the table that healthcare organizations value. But to win an interview with your target employer, you’ll need to impress them on paper first by crafting a detailed, organized resume that stands out [...]

Creating a Standout Resume: Tips for Jobseekers2024-02-18T10:02:09+00:00

NICU Bed Growth in 2023 & Projections for 2024

Knowing the number of NICU beds within a community helps healthcare systems understand trends and anticipate needs for the workforce and other resources. Unfortunately, pinpointing precise NICU data can be challenging; currently, there is no updated, comprehensive registry for all NICUs across the country. Further, there are many types of [...]

NICU Bed Growth in 2023 & Projections for 20242024-01-23T04:26:54+00:00

A Summary of The Most Important Healthcare-Related Legislation of 2023

Several healthcare-related laws were passed throughout the U.S., some of which could affect your role as an NNP. As 2023 draws to a close and we look ahead to 2024, here are some recently proposed or passed legislative changes that all healthcare professionals should be aware of. Legislation Passed in [...]

A Summary of The Most Important Healthcare-Related Legislation of 20232023-11-13T08:15:49+00:00

A Look into the Status of Changing Educational Requirements for Obtaining an NNP Degree

If you’re an NNP, keeping up with the field’s changing educational requirements is important to your career. Here, we take a look into how the educational landscape may change for NNPs in the coming years. Traditional Educational Requirements for NNPs Traditionally, prospective NNPs would first obtain their Bachelor’s of Science [...]

A Look into the Status of Changing Educational Requirements for Obtaining an NNP Degree2023-10-15T11:46:52+00:00

A Guide to PONI & How It’s Conducted

Preterm birth affects up to one in ten infants born in the U.S., though there are many other conditions that may warrant a stay in the NICU. To ensure the best quality of care for infants requiring specialized medical attention, researchers leverage patient-oriented neonatology investigators (PONI). This initiative emphasizes the [...]

A Guide to PONI & How It’s Conducted2023-09-14T14:48:42+00:00