Confessions of an NNP recruiter after 20+ years with ENSEARCH
I’ve been blessed.
Did I just type that I’ve been blessed? Why yes, I did. In fact, I’ll type it again. I’ve been blessed.
In what other employment can one pick up a phone and make a friend for life?
I can’t think of one either.
Every day, for almost 24 years, I’ve picked up the phone… and you can imagine how many friends I now have across the country.
I’ve been hung up on more than one occasion, but it’s those conversations that begin with a “Hi, my name is Eric and I’m the NNP recruiter here with ENSEARCH” that turn into hugs at a conference or a meet-up at a restaurant when passing through town.
Sure, I’ll get the call or an email from one of my NNP friends asking to help them with their employment or their facilities hiring… but it’s the instant gratification… that “Hey Eric, guess what my kid did at school today” and the “Eric, I’m going to be in Napa Valley, let’s hang out!” that makes this all worth it …and that’s what being the NNP recruiter at ENSEARCH is all about.
Comment below if there’s anything else you’d like to know or if you have a question.