Want to Feel More Appreciated at Work? Here’s How

The role of the neonatal nurse practitioner is one of the most pivotal in your unit. As such, consistent constructive feedback and ongoing appreciation are important as you engage in life-saving work. As nice as it is to feel consistently valued by those around you, we know that it isn't [...]

Want to Feel More Appreciated at Work? Here’s How2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

The Fastest Way to Get Your Resume to a Hiring Authority

Ever wonder where your application goes after you send it? If so, you’re not alone — we all wonder the same thing. The truth is, nobody knows for sure. The one thing we do know is that the application, interview, and hiring process is faster when it begins with the [...]

The Fastest Way to Get Your Resume to a Hiring Authority2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

This is How Selective You Should Be in Your First NNP Job Search

Finally. You graduated. You’re certified. You’re ready to work as a full-fledged neonatal nurse practitioner. And of course, you want to find a new job right away. Keep in mind that your first NNP position will chart the course of your career path and ultimately shape your experiences, accomplishments, and reputation. [...]

This is How Selective You Should Be in Your First NNP Job Search2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

Secrets Nurse Practitioners Are Using To Survive Mixed Shifts

Our candidates often talk to us about the struggles of flipping between day shifts and night shifts. As neonatal nurse practitioners, you will more than likely be asked to rotate your schedule. There’s no nice way to say this: rotating from day to night has the potential to wreak havoc [...]

Secrets Nurse Practitioners Are Using To Survive Mixed Shifts2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

What You Need to Know to Ace a Phone Interview as a Nurse Practitioner

In a previous post, The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter, we compared your resume to a ticket to an exclusive party. But now that a prospective employer has agreed to interview you, this party just became more exclusive. Most NNP job interviews actually consist of two interviews: An [...]

What You Need to Know to Ace a Phone Interview as a Nurse Practitioner2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

Are You Satisfied with Your Nursing Job?

Are you satisfied with your job? The answer may not be as simple as you would think. Satisfaction with your job can be based on a multitude of complex factors that may or may not have crossed your mind. There are numerous ways to measure job satisfaction. Fredrick Herzberg was [...]

Are You Satisfied with Your Nursing Job?2020-04-15T16:25:59+00:00

What You Need To Know About Relocation With Your Working Spouse

You’re considering relocation, and you have a spouse who will also need to seek employment. There are so many moving parts in a process like relocation that it’s easy to find yourself paralyzed, and unable to move onto the next step. So, we want to clear up one of the [...]

What You Need To Know About Relocation With Your Working Spouse2020-03-05T15:40:41+00:00

Why Using a Recruiter Doesn’t Mean a Lower Offer

We recently polled a group of candidates to find out what their biggest fear or hang-up was about partnering with us in their NNP job search. The most common answer we got back was that they were initially afraid that working with us would mean a lower salary offer for them [...]

Why Using a Recruiter Doesn’t Mean a Lower Offer2020-02-03T20:05:44+00:00

The One Action You Should Take at the End of an Interview

When an NNP position opens up, the hiring authority will look at various resources to secure the best-qualified candidates, often coming up with as many as fifteen resumes. Of those resumes, eight seem to be qualified. Five stand out and will get an initial phone interview. After the phone interviews, [...]

The One Action You Should Take at the End of an Interview2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

Avoid the Split Personality Interview at All Costs

The next time you find yourself in the interview stage of a job search, you could be sending mixed messages to your interviewers without even knowing it. As an NNP interviewing at a new facility, you will be meeting with different people at various stages of this process. At the end of the interview process (resume [...]

Avoid the Split Personality Interview at All Costs2020-02-04T01:29:06+00:00