The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter

I often compare the hiring process to dating or parties. The interview is like a private exclusive party, and you need to have an invitation to get in. Your resume is your invitation, and if it’s not the right invitation, the bouncer is going to turn you away at the [...]

The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter2019-05-23T18:53:03+00:00

Didn’t Get a Call Back on Your Resume? This is Why.

One of the most common pitfalls for candidates during their job search is to exclusively submit their resume via the employer’s online application process. Most candidates take it for granted that submitting a resume online is the only avenue available to them, and that it’s automatically getting in front of [...]

Didn’t Get a Call Back on Your Resume? This is Why.2019-06-23T20:35:06+00:00

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You

Most people are so caught up in their NNP salary they don’t realize how much they might be missing out on in their overall offer package. We emphasize to our candidates, you’re in an offer negotiation, not a salary negotiation. Here is what you need to know. Some things are not [...]

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You2020-02-04T17:04:30+00:00

3 Tips for Interviewing a Passive Candidate

While most hiring managers would love their perfect candidate to be an active job seeker, it's usually not the case. “I am looking for a new job and I want to work for you”. This is essentially the position of the active candidate. In a perfect world, your perfect candidate [...]

3 Tips for Interviewing a Passive Candidate2019-03-15T16:42:55+00:00

How to Attract the Best Nursing Staff, and Get Them to Stay

Most healthcare organizations promote the idea that their "people are their #1 asset", yet some experience higher turnover than they’d like, or find that it’s a struggle to attract the caliber of candidates that would add the most value to their facility. This begs the question: How do you attract [...]

How to Attract the Best Nursing Staff, and Get Them to Stay2020-03-05T16:37:09+00:00

How to Stay Calm Under Any Kind of Pressure

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to always remain calm under pressure? Some managers, some quarterbacks…while others seem to constantly be scrambling for something to say or to avoid the rush? What we do know is that we tend to make poor decisions when we are unable to [...]

How to Stay Calm Under Any Kind of Pressure2019-03-15T16:42:56+00:00

3 Steps for Avoiding Job Seeker Burnout

"I’ve put so much time and energy into this. If I keep going, how do I even know it will pay off?" "There’s no guarantee I’ll even get a job..." "I’m on my own, I can’t do this for much longer…" If any of these thoughts are going through your [...]

3 Steps for Avoiding Job Seeker Burnout2020-03-05T16:30:16+00:00

How to Find NNP Jobs That Aren’t Posted Online

Have you been searching everywhere for the perfect job, and just can't seem to find it online? If it’s out there, we’ll find it for you. Not all recruiters are created equally. In fact, many people aren’t even aware there is a difference between an employment agency and a search [...]

How to Find NNP Jobs That Aren’t Posted Online2019-03-15T16:42:56+00:00