Are You Satisfied with Your Nursing Job?

Are you satisfied with your job? The answer may not be as simple as you would think. Satisfaction with your job can be based on a multitude of complex factors that may or may not have crossed your mind. There are numerous ways to measure job satisfaction. Fredrick Herzberg was [...]

Are You Satisfied with Your Nursing Job?2020-04-15T16:25:59+00:00

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You

Most people are so caught up in their NNP salary they don’t realize how much they might be missing out on in their overall offer package. We emphasize to our candidates, you’re in an offer negotiation, not a salary negotiation. Here is what you need to know. Some things are not [...]

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You2020-02-04T17:04:30+00:00