When an NNP position opens up, the hiring authority will look at various resources to secure the best-qualified candidates, often coming up with as many as fifteen resumes.
Of those resumes, eight seem to be qualified.
Five stand out and will get an initial phone interview.
After the phone interviews, it’s obvious that three of them are clinically competent, and better potential fits than the two that were eliminated. The hiring authority knows that any of the three remaining candidates would satisfy the requirements of the job.
What tips the scale in your favor?
So in choosing one of the final three clinically competent, qualified candidates, the decision will ultimately be based on fit, rapport, and all of the little things that tip the scale in favor of one candidate…you.
This is why, at the end of your interview, you need to ask for the job.
End the interview with confidence
Imagine you’re at the end of a date that went really well. What if he said, ‘I had a great time, thanks’? How confident are you feeling now as opposed to before your date wrapped up the evening with a passive comment? At the end of a great date, we’d prefer to hear, ‘I’d love to see you again, what are you doing next Thursday?’.
At the end of the interview, you need to reinforce your interest to your interviewer.
When you strip away the degrees and the titles, it’s part of human nature to want to be liked. Don’t underestimate how far this can go in the professional world as well as the personal one. If you can demonstrate interest and commitment to them and show that you really want the job, they will have more reasons to offer you the job over another candidate – all other things being equal.