3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online

Don’t believe the fairy tale and protect your privacy   It seemed like a great idea. Post my resume online and get the offer of my dreams for the perfect neonatal nurse practitioner position. Soon I’d be working in the best Magnet hospital with all the latest equipment. I would [...]

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online2019-05-19T16:17:49+00:00

Managing Your Best Assets: Leadership Best Practices for Nurse Managers

You’ve often heard it said, “Your employees are your best asset." But at the end of the day, what does that really mean? Frontline management and neonatologists know that NNPs are the heartbeat of their NICU. They bring a unique set of skills and experience to your unit that even [...]

Managing Your Best Assets: Leadership Best Practices for Nurse Managers2019-05-14T17:15:47+00:00

7 Simple Steps to Hiring the “Right” Candidate

Have you ever hired a job applicant who everyone loved during the interview process, had high hopes for… only to have them be a flop once hired, or at best be a marginal performer? If this has ever happened to you, don’t be concerned. It happens more than we like [...]

7 Simple Steps to Hiring the “Right” Candidate2022-04-26T02:05:05+00:00

How to Support Your Staff During Times of Change — It’s More Than Just Free Donuts

Change ought to be a four-letter word with symbo!s and ast*risks next to it because it conjures up worries and fears faster than a quiet evening on a full moon. Supporting your staff through these times require a delicate balance of determination and love. Kindness and strength. Fortitude and [...]

How to Support Your Staff During Times of Change — It’s More Than Just Free Donuts2020-03-05T16:39:40+00:00

Saving Your Hands this Cold and Flu Season

The signs and reminders are everywhere. Wash Your Hands! There are jingles and timers to help you do it long enough. Hand sanitizer dispensers are conveniently placed in convenient areas, and so are little handwashing sinks. You probably could recite the five steps to a perfect handwash, because after all, [...]

Saving Your Hands this Cold and Flu Season2019-03-20T04:40:12+00:00

Effective Methods for Dealing with Nurse Management Stress

Nursing managers know stress. The nursing management role is not only emotionally draining, but it also consists of incredibly long hours, demanding patients and overwhelming staff needs. The combination of these stressors can overwhelm anyone without proper self-care and support. In 1960, a study revealed that nurse managers suffered from [...]

Effective Methods for Dealing with Nurse Management Stress2020-02-05T16:37:16+00:00

Why are NNP Job Openings so Hard to Fill?

That one NNP opening. You know the one I’m talking about — the one you just can’t seem to fill. The one you lose sleep over. Yeah, that one. The NNP role is a crucial one, which is why you’ll find it harder to fill than most other health care [...]

Why are NNP Job Openings so Hard to Fill?2019-03-15T16:42:50+00:00