Hidden Reasons for the NNP Shortage, and Why You Should Take Action Now

If you’re having a difficult time recruiting exceptional NNPs, there’s a good reason. For the last several years, community hospitals have suffered a national shortage of qualified NNPs.  At the same time, research predicts that, by 2022, the demand for qualified NNPs will grow by 33% — higher than average [...]

Hidden Reasons for the NNP Shortage, and Why You Should Take Action Now2019-03-15T16:42:50+00:00

8 Strategies for Adjusting to a New Work Environment

Anyone who has ever started a new job can appreciate how difficult it is to get “settled in.” So much information to absorb; so many new rules, systems, and workarounds to learn. And so little time to get up to speed. Adjusting to a new work environment is downright stressful. [...]

8 Strategies for Adjusting to a New Work Environment2019-03-20T04:43:21+00:00

Everything You Wanted to Know About Asking for a Raise

You’ve been on the job for a while now. You frequently receive recognition for the high quality of your work. Your patients adore you; your colleagues respect you. But when it comes to your paycheck, you’re not feeling the love. Or, maybe you found out that a colleague is earning [...]

Everything You Wanted to Know About Asking for a Raise2019-03-20T04:43:47+00:00

Strategies for Avoiding an Impulsive NICU Hire

Neonatal nurse practitioners work on the very front lines of family and patient care. It’s so important to hire NNPs who are the best fit for your facility and dedicated to providing quality care. Match the needs of your facility When you find a candidate who graduated from a prestigious [...]

Strategies for Avoiding an Impulsive NICU Hire2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview

Congratulations! All your hard work finally paid off: you’ve landed an interview for a neonatal nurse position, at a top-notch facility.   How to land the job Believe it or not, it isn’t the most qualified candidate who lands the job— it’s the one who interviews the best. So, of [...]

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

Recruiter Fees: Making the Choice Between Contingency or Retainer

After gaining a deeper understanding of retained vs. contingency search fees, how do you determine which one fits your unique needs? From my point of view, it depends on the level of service and attention you seek from your executive recruiter. When contingency is better If you only have one [...]

Recruiter Fees: Making the Choice Between Contingency or Retainer2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

Maintaining Confidence During Job Offer Negotiations

From time to time, we all experience fear in our lives. Our hearts flutter when we hear strange noises at night. Our adrenaline surges after a near traffic collision. Our stomachs lurch when our children get into trouble at school. For many, negotiating a job offer can be just as [...]

Maintaining Confidence During Job Offer Negotiations2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship With Your New Employer

As a NNP, it’s your nature to demonstrate compassion for your patients and their families. That’s part of your job, and you’re good at it. But compassion and trust need to extend beyond the patient, especially when you are new to a facility. If you want to succeed at your [...]

7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship With Your New Employer2019-03-26T01:29:44+00:00

Is Working with a Recruiter Worth It? …It Depends.

Ever wonder if it’s worth the cost to hire a professional recruiter for your healthcare staffing needs? It’s a very legitimate question. And the honest answer is: “Most often, yes. But it depends.” No matter how you slice it, hiring professional healthcare workers is an expensive endeavor, and even more [...]

Is Working with a Recruiter Worth It? …It Depends.2019-03-26T01:32:18+00:00