Protecting NNPs Against Mistreatment & Occupational Distress

According to a 2020 study, nearly a quarter of all physicians have experienced recent mistreatment. The most common source of the mistreatment is patients and their visitors. Unsurprisingly, the study also confirms that poor treatment of medical professionals is linked to higher levels of occupational distress. Yet, healthcare workers who [...]

Protecting NNPs Against Mistreatment & Occupational Distress2023-04-11T05:19:12+00:00

A Look into the Preceptor Shortage and How Schools and Hospitals Can Address It

The nursing shortage has become a significant burden to the medical community. While new NNPs entering the field can help to address the shortage, one barrier to getting students the clinical experience they need is the shortage of preceptors. Of course, the preceptor shortage is partially a result of the [...]

A Look into the Preceptor Shortage and How Schools and Hospitals Can Address It2023-03-14T12:43:40+00:00

How to Retain Your Healthcare Providers in an Economically Challenged Environment

In the face of the healthcare employment crisis, many hospitals are cutting benefits and other areas of their budgets to control costs. Retaining healthcare workers remains a critical priority, but traditional incentives like raises and bonuses currently aren’t an option. Fortunately, there are still ways you can retain your providers [...]

How to Retain Your Healthcare Providers in an Economically Challenged Environment2023-03-14T13:26:37+00:00

Time-Saving Tips for NNP & Physician Recruiters

Amid the healthcare staffing crisis, it’s more important than ever for healthcare recruiters to be strategic about how they use their time. Instead of working more hours or cramming more work into your existing schedule, you can work smarter by leveraging a few key tips. Here are a few points [...]

Time-Saving Tips for NNP & Physician Recruiters2023-02-12T12:32:22+00:00

Relocation: How to Prepare for a Job Search as an NNP

If you’re thinking of changing jobs (or securing your first job as a new NNP graduate) relocation may play a key factor in your decision. . Although the job market for NNPs right now is hot, the jobs are not equally distributed across the US. There are some places where [...]

Relocation: How to Prepare for a Job Search as an NNP2023-02-12T10:45:38+00:00

How to Keep Your Healthcare Workers Safe with the Right Technology

In recent years, hospitals have experienced a number of challenges that have left healthcare workers, patients, and their families feeling overwhelmed. From COVID-19 to staffing shortages, the healthcare landscape has become emotionally charged. As frustrations rise among patients, it’s become more imperative than ever that healthcare staff remains protected. Unfortunately, [...]

How to Keep Your Healthcare Workers Safe with the Right Technology2023-01-13T11:32:14+00:00

Where Did the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Role Originate?

As with many jobs in the medical field, the role of the neonatal nurse practitioner (NNP) is always evolving. New tools are developed and best practices are refined based on emerging research, both of which continue to empower NNPs to provide quality care for neonates. Yet, the role didn’t always [...]

Where Did the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Role Originate?2023-01-13T10:44:45+00:00

Strategies for Ensuring Coverage During Healthcare Provider Shortages

Healthcare staffing shortages continue to be an issue for hospitals, and unfortunately, there’s no sign of a dramatic turnaround in sight. While hospitals must deploy creative recruiting, hiring, and retention strategies to ensure they’re as well-staffed as possible, one other important area to address is planning for coverage. Time-to-fill for [...]

Strategies for Ensuring Coverage During Healthcare Provider Shortages2022-12-09T19:50:00+00:00

​​What Are the Newest Procedures for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners?

As with any medical specialty, procedures for neonatal nurse practitioners (NNPs) evolve constantly. This ensures NNPs continue to provide the best care for neonates by leveraging new evidence-based practices as they emerge. While it’s still important to stay up-to-date with procedural updates in your NICU, here are a few recent [...]

​​What Are the Newest Procedures for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners?2022-12-07T16:42:18+00:00

5 Creative Strategies for Improving Your NNP Outreach

Having skilled, dedicated neonatal nurse practitioners (NNPs) is essential to ensuring quality outcomes in any neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Yet, connecting with top talent isn’t always easy, especially amid healthcare staffing shortages. Fortunately, there are several ways you can improve your NNP outreach. Here are a few strategies to [...]

5 Creative Strategies for Improving Your NNP Outreach2022-11-10T12:26:56+00:00