Out of Time?! Daily Time Management Tips for the NNP

NNPs function differently from most other nurse practitioners due to the environment within which we work. We don’t have office hours, we work shifts similar to our nursing colleagues in the NICU. Whether you work 8, 10, 12, 16, or 24 hour shifts, time is always moving forward and requiring [...]

Out of Time?! Daily Time Management Tips for the NNP2022-04-13T02:57:32+00:00

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU

In real life, neonatal resuscitation is a team effort and an interdisciplinary one at that. Why, then, are our experiences in team-based simulation training (TBST) so limited?  A retrospective pilot study published in the Journal of Perinatology attempted to answer this question. The study assessed 65 TBST events held at [...]

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU2021-02-16T00:14:31+00:00

As COVID-19 Adds Insult to Injury, Trainees Remain Hopeful

Healthcare workers are being injured in the pandemic— every time they are denied something or someone that they need to succeed— every time they are told they are essential but are treated like they are disposable— every time they are faced with a difficult decision, and that decision is made [...]

As COVID-19 Adds Insult to Injury, Trainees Remain Hopeful2021-01-14T21:43:29+00:00

Tips for Eating Healthy Working in the NICU

Working as a nurse practitioner can be a stressful and time-consuming job. There are always things that seem more important at the moment, however, it is critical that you make your own needs a high priority. In order to be most productive in your line of work, you must have [...]

Tips for Eating Healthy Working in the NICU2020-11-19T01:39:12+00:00

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints

Have you ever had one of these scenarios? Time to get medications — the patient is in pain, or you’re already behind on giving scheduled meds, and you just need one medication. You quickly run over to the machine, input your id, and slam your finger on the fingerprint scanner. [...]

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints2020-03-24T17:16:48+00:00

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors

The sounds are echoing in your head. You can hear them when you’re eating, when you’re trying to chat with friends, and even in your sleep. It is the sound of beeping alarms. High pitched noises that are made to alert you to changes to your patients — but after [...]

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors2019-12-16T18:34:06+00:00

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy

Even the most unique and rewarding roles, like that of a neonatal nurse practitioner, come with potential workplace challenges. From physicians to families, there is always an opportunity for interpersonal conflict. Still, almost no workplace challenge compares to a coworker with destructive habits, and the field of nursing is no [...]

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy2019-07-26T16:11:25+00:00

Saving Your Hands this Cold and Flu Season

The signs and reminders are everywhere. Wash Your Hands! There are jingles and timers to help you do it long enough. Hand sanitizer dispensers are conveniently placed in convenient areas, and so are little handwashing sinks. You probably could recite the five steps to a perfect handwash, because after all, [...]

Saving Your Hands this Cold and Flu Season2019-03-20T04:40:12+00:00