Effective Methods for Dealing with Nurse Management Stress

Nursing managers know stress. The nursing management role is not only emotionally draining, but it also consists of incredibly long hours, demanding patients and overwhelming staff needs. The combination of these stressors can overwhelm anyone without proper self-care and support. In 1960, a study revealed that nurse managers suffered from [...]

Effective Methods for Dealing with Nurse Management Stress2020-02-05T16:37:16+00:00

Why are NNP Job Openings so Hard to Fill?

That one NNP opening. You know the one I’m talking about — the one you just can’t seem to fill. The one you lose sleep over. Yeah, that one. The NNP role is a crucial one, which is why you’ll find it harder to fill than most other health care [...]

Why are NNP Job Openings so Hard to Fill?2019-03-15T16:42:50+00:00

8 Strategies for Adjusting to a New Work Environment

Anyone who has ever started a new job can appreciate how difficult it is to get “settled in.” So much information to absorb; so many new rules, systems, and workarounds to learn. And so little time to get up to speed. Adjusting to a new work environment is downright stressful. [...]

8 Strategies for Adjusting to a New Work Environment2019-03-20T04:43:21+00:00

Work-Life Balance Tips for Nurse Practitioners

Let’s face it. The daily life of a NNP is far from easy. In fact, it can be grueling sometimes. You face long shifts, demanding patients and physicians, administrative work, emotional labor...the list goes on. If you don’t take care of yourself — find the proper work/life balance — you’re [...]

Work-Life Balance Tips for Nurse Practitioners2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

7 Ways to Stay Positive in Your Daily Nursing Practice

As with any selfless profession, nursing isn’t for the faint-hearted. As a nurse practitioner, you play the role of hero every day, providing critical, life-saving care and leaving lasting impressions on the lives you touch. But, with the high-intensity and high-performance of this profession, there can be unwanted side effects, [...]

7 Ways to Stay Positive in Your Daily Nursing Practice2019-03-26T01:34:10+00:00

Secrets Nurse Practitioners Are Using To Survive Mixed Shifts

Our candidates often talk to us about the struggles of flipping between day shifts and night shifts. As neonatal nurse practitioners, you will more than likely be asked to rotate your schedule. There’s no nice way to say this: rotating from day to night has the potential to wreak havoc [...]

Secrets Nurse Practitioners Are Using To Survive Mixed Shifts2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00