Recruiting Passive Candidates vs Active

If candidates actively apply for all your open jobs, one might believe that the hard work of recruitment is over. But just like every coin has two sides, so does recruiting. Sometimes the best candidate isn’t someone who's actively seeking a job change. Finding ways to work with passive candidates [...]

Recruiting Passive Candidates vs Active2021-01-22T23:00:08+00:00

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

Send a CV, Please!  As a member of many national boards and committees, my state collaborative and also in my own work position, I have had the opportunity to review submissions for various volunteer spots, awards, and other job applications. Far too often, I found it difficult to compare candidates [...]

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?2022-04-13T02:55:24+00:00

The Risk of Hiring on Gut Instincts

Why it’s not right for the candidate interview process.   Whether most employers want to admit it or not, the hiring process often comes down to the emotional feels that arise during the interview process. Sometimes this is born out of desperation: i.e., you have an opening at your company [...]

The Risk of Hiring on Gut Instincts2020-07-08T19:35:21+00:00

There’s More to Your Job Offer than Just the Salary

Have you ever looked at a job offer and felt the pitter-patter of your heart? Maybe it’s the butterflies of seeing all that money. Or perhaps, a sense of disappointment at wishing your future employer would have given a better offer. But here’s the bottom line: your compensation is more [...]

There’s More to Your Job Offer than Just the Salary2020-06-18T22:01:02+00:00

Strategies to Work Through A Reduction in Force

Managers and human resources have a difficult job, and it is never more difficult than during a time of reduction in force (RIF). It’s easy to think that your worst day is when you lose your job, but perhaps the worst day is when you have to tell your employees [...]

Strategies to Work Through A Reduction in Force2020-07-08T23:20:26+00:00

Sounding the Siren Call for Preceptors

The model for staffing hospitals and the neonatal intensive care unit is changing, but is your hospital ready for that change? In a nurse’s journey to becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner, one of the final steps is working in the hospital under a preceptor. This is often a thrilling time [...]

Sounding the Siren Call for Preceptors2020-07-08T23:21:46+00:00

Why Headhunter Access to Management is a WIN for HR

Many people have fears or anxiety about headhunters to fill positions. However, for a quality organization, a good headhunter can be your best ally and assist your company in many excellent ways. Once the decision has been made to bring in a headhunter, lots of employers restrict the ability of [...]

Why Headhunter Access to Management is a WIN for HR2021-01-24T00:00:27+00:00

Is it Possible to Work Effectively with an External Recruiter?

External recruiters are not usually the favorite group of people within a human resources office. They’re somewhat disliked. But more often than not, they’re viewed as just a necessary evil — like paying one’s taxes or calling the plumber when your DIY expertise isn’t enough. However, is this true? Are [...]

Is it Possible to Work Effectively with an External Recruiter?2022-06-28T16:10:37+00:00

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?

- The Pros and Cons - It’s always a difficult question when you are faced with multiple candidates for the same position. It may seem like a no-brainer to hire the experienced candidate, but there is a lot to say for rookies as well. Everyone has to be a rookie [...]

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?2019-11-13T19:55:50+00:00

Why Are You Struggling to Fill So Many Open Job Requisitions?

Finding a job these days is almost like fishing. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a job or looking to hire someone for a job. It is a difficult position. As a staffing member of Human Resources (HR), it can feel almost like an endless chore to finally [...]

Why Are You Struggling to Fill So Many Open Job Requisitions?2019-08-11T18:01:41+00:00