6 Ways Hiring a Locum Tenens NNP Can Help Your Facility

Although many hospitals have long since discovered the benefits of locum tenens and are taking advantage of them, far too many aren’t fully educated about their options in hiring for these positions. If your NNP team is stressed and overworked, or you’re paying too much in overtime and still falling [...]

6 Ways Hiring a Locum Tenens NNP Can Help Your Facility2020-03-05T16:43:29+00:00

Managing Your Best Assets: Leadership Best Practices for Nurse Managers

You’ve often heard it said, “Your employees are your best asset." But at the end of the day, what does that really mean? Frontline management and neonatologists know that NNPs are the heartbeat of their NICU. They bring a unique set of skills and experience to your unit that even [...]

Managing Your Best Assets: Leadership Best Practices for Nurse Managers2019-05-14T17:15:47+00:00

7 Simple Steps to Hiring the “Right” Candidate

Have you ever hired a job applicant who everyone loved during the interview process, had high hopes for… only to have them be a flop once hired, or at best be a marginal performer? If this has ever happened to you, don’t be concerned. It happens more than we like [...]

7 Simple Steps to Hiring the “Right” Candidate2022-04-26T02:05:05+00:00

Effective Methods for Dealing with Nurse Management Stress

Nursing managers know stress. The nursing management role is not only emotionally draining, but it also consists of incredibly long hours, demanding patients and overwhelming staff needs. The combination of these stressors can overwhelm anyone without proper self-care and support. In 1960, a study revealed that nurse managers suffered from [...]

Effective Methods for Dealing with Nurse Management Stress2020-02-05T16:37:16+00:00

Why are NNP Job Openings so Hard to Fill?

That one NNP opening. You know the one I’m talking about — the one you just can’t seem to fill. The one you lose sleep over. Yeah, that one. The NNP role is a crucial one, which is why you’ll find it harder to fill than most other health care [...]

Why are NNP Job Openings so Hard to Fill?2019-03-15T16:42:50+00:00

Hidden Reasons for the NNP Shortage, and Why You Should Take Action Now

If you’re having a difficult time recruiting exceptional NNPs, there’s a good reason. For the last several years, community hospitals have suffered a national shortage of qualified NNPs.  At the same time, research predicts that, by 2022, the demand for qualified NNPs will grow by 33% — higher than average [...]

Hidden Reasons for the NNP Shortage, and Why You Should Take Action Now2019-03-15T16:42:50+00:00

Strategies for Avoiding an Impulsive NICU Hire

Neonatal nurse practitioners work on the very front lines of family and patient care. It’s so important to hire NNPs who are the best fit for your facility and dedicated to providing quality care. Match the needs of your facility When you find a candidate who graduated from a prestigious [...]

Strategies for Avoiding an Impulsive NICU Hire2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview

Congratulations! All your hard work finally paid off: you’ve landed an interview for a neonatal nurse position, at a top-notch facility.   How to land the job Believe it or not, it isn’t the most qualified candidate who lands the job— it’s the one who interviews the best. So, of [...]

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

Is Working with a Recruiter Worth It? …It Depends.

Ever wonder if it’s worth the cost to hire a professional recruiter for your healthcare staffing needs? It’s a very legitimate question. And the honest answer is: “Most often, yes. But it depends.” No matter how you slice it, hiring professional healthcare workers is an expensive endeavor, and even more [...]

Is Working with a Recruiter Worth It? …It Depends.2019-03-26T01:32:18+00:00

How to Attract the Best Nursing Staff, and Get Them to Stay

Most healthcare organizations promote the idea that their "people are their #1 asset", yet some experience higher turnover than they’d like, or find that it’s a struggle to attract the caliber of candidates that would add the most value to their facility. This begs the question: How do you attract [...]

How to Attract the Best Nursing Staff, and Get Them to Stay2020-03-05T16:37:09+00:00