5 Ways to Ally Yourself with Your Bedside Nurses as a New NNP

When you graduate from NP school, you hear about working with difficult physicians, earning their respect with your knowledge and work ethic, etc. But what you don’t hear about frequently is the struggle that can occur when you start a new NNP job and have to work with bedside nurses [...]

5 Ways to Ally Yourself with Your Bedside Nurses as a New NNP2021-05-11T02:58:09+00:00

Why the Need to Edit Your Social Media BEFORE Applying to NNP Jobs

“The most difficult job you’ll ever have is finding your next job.” Job hunting is seldom easy. It can often seem like one is mostly trying to be in the right place at the right time for an unlikely encounter with the perfect employer. This isn't too far from reality. [...]

Why the Need to Edit Your Social Media BEFORE Applying to NNP Jobs2021-04-16T16:08:12+00:00

Delivering Bad News Well… Can Simulations Help?

Sharing bad news and having difficult conversations with families are vital skills for NNPs. Yet, these skills are not often formally taught in NP training, leaving many NNPs feeling unprepared for the task.  A randomized controlled trial published in PLOS ONE set out to answer the question, “Can a simulation-based [...]

Delivering Bad News Well… Can Simulations Help?2021-03-17T21:05:36+00:00

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU

In real life, neonatal resuscitation is a team effort and an interdisciplinary one at that. Why, then, are our experiences in team-based simulation training (TBST) so limited?  A retrospective pilot study published in the Journal of Perinatology attempted to answer this question. The study assessed 65 TBST events held at [...]

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU2021-02-16T00:14:31+00:00

As COVID-19 Adds Insult to Injury, Trainees Remain Hopeful

Healthcare workers are being injured in the pandemic— every time they are denied something or someone that they need to succeed— every time they are told they are essential but are treated like they are disposable— every time they are faced with a difficult decision, and that decision is made [...]

As COVID-19 Adds Insult to Injury, Trainees Remain Hopeful2021-01-14T21:43:29+00:00

Tips for Eating Healthy Working in the NICU

Working as a nurse practitioner can be a stressful and time-consuming job. There are always things that seem more important at the moment, however, it is critical that you make your own needs a high priority. In order to be most productive in your line of work, you must have [...]

Tips for Eating Healthy Working in the NICU2020-11-19T01:39:12+00:00

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians

As an NNP, you deal with a variety of stressors on the job: staffing shortages, demanding patients, physical exertion, and occasional confrontations with intimidating physicians. Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. But emotional stress can take a serious toll. Disruptive behavior from a physician may include: demeaning or profane [...]

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians2020-10-22T01:03:36+00:00

Eric Shiffman: The Interview Series

What is the passion of ENSEARCH? Our passion is the ethical, quality recruitment of amazing people. The people that we work with here at ENSEARCH are stars in their own right. The Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, the recruiters, hospital HR staff, are all part of our family.   In this personal [...]

Eric Shiffman: The Interview Series2020-09-18T22:13:58+00:00

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

Send a CV, Please!  As a member of many national boards and committees, my state collaborative and also in my own work position, I have had the opportunity to review submissions for various volunteer spots, awards, and other job applications. Far too often, I found it difficult to compare candidates [...]

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?2022-04-13T02:55:24+00:00

The Risk of Hiring on Gut Instincts

Why it’s not right for the candidate interview process.   Whether most employers want to admit it or not, the hiring process often comes down to the emotional feels that arise during the interview process. Sometimes this is born out of desperation: i.e., you have an opening at your company [...]

The Risk of Hiring on Gut Instincts2020-07-08T19:35:21+00:00