Should We Empty NICU Babies’ Stomachs Between Feedings?

Aspirating and monitoring gastric residuals from gavage feeds in preterm newborns is common practice in the NICU. The aim of this practice is to guide the advancement of gavage feeds to enteral feeds. However, even today, we still cannot say with certainty whether or not this practice improves neonatal outcomes. [...]

Should We Empty NICU Babies’ Stomachs Between Feedings?2021-11-06T22:30:02+00:00

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

Send a CV, Please!  As a member of many national boards and committees, my state collaborative and also in my own work position, I have had the opportunity to review submissions for various volunteer spots, awards, and other job applications. Far too often, I found it difficult to compare candidates [...]

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?2022-04-13T02:55:24+00:00

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors

The sounds are echoing in your head. You can hear them when you’re eating, when you’re trying to chat with friends, and even in your sleep. It is the sound of beeping alarms. High pitched noises that are made to alert you to changes to your patients — but after [...]

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors2019-12-16T18:34:06+00:00

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?

- The Pros and Cons - It’s always a difficult question when you are faced with multiple candidates for the same position. It may seem like a no-brainer to hire the experienced candidate, but there is a lot to say for rookies as well. Everyone has to be a rookie [...]

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?2019-11-13T19:55:50+00:00

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview

Congratulations! All your hard work finally paid off: you’ve landed an interview for a neonatal nurse position, at a top-notch facility.   How to land the job Believe it or not, it isn’t the most qualified candidate who lands the job— it’s the one who interviews the best. So, of [...]

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

This is How Selective You Should Be in Your First NNP Job Search

Finally. You graduated. You’re certified. You’re ready to work as a full-fledged neonatal nurse practitioner. And of course, you want to find a new job right away. Keep in mind that your first NNP position will chart the course of your career path and ultimately shape your experiences, accomplishments, and reputation. [...]

This is How Selective You Should Be in Your First NNP Job Search2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00