Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU

In real life, neonatal resuscitation is a team effort and an interdisciplinary one at that. Why, then, are our experiences in team-based simulation training (TBST) so limited?  A retrospective pilot study published in the Journal of Perinatology attempted to answer this question. The study assessed 65 TBST events held at [...]

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU2021-02-16T00:14:31+00:00

Tips for Eating Healthy Working in the NICU

Working as a nurse practitioner can be a stressful and time-consuming job. There are always things that seem more important at the moment, however, it is critical that you make your own needs a high priority. In order to be most productive in your line of work, you must have [...]

Tips for Eating Healthy Working in the NICU2020-11-19T01:39:12+00:00

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians

As an NNP, you deal with a variety of stressors on the job: staffing shortages, demanding patients, physical exertion, and occasional confrontations with intimidating physicians. Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. But emotional stress can take a serious toll. Disruptive behavior from a physician may include: demeaning or profane [...]

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians2020-10-22T01:03:36+00:00

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints

Have you ever had one of these scenarios? Time to get medications — the patient is in pain, or you’re already behind on giving scheduled meds, and you just need one medication. You quickly run over to the machine, input your id, and slam your finger on the fingerprint scanner. [...]

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints2020-03-24T17:16:48+00:00

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors

The sounds are echoing in your head. You can hear them when you’re eating, when you’re trying to chat with friends, and even in your sleep. It is the sound of beeping alarms. High pitched noises that are made to alert you to changes to your patients — but after [...]

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors2019-12-16T18:34:06+00:00

How to Retain Your Top NNP Talent

As a healthcare professional, you know that qualified neonatal nurses are in short supply. If you recruit NNPs, you may also know that the demand for these exceptional practitioners is predicted to continue to grow over the next few years. Finding and hiring qualified NNPs is a daunting task. Once you [...]

How to Retain Your Top NNP Talent2022-06-23T17:30:10+00:00

Ways to Encourage More Staff Nurses to Become NNPs

There was a day when someone decided that you would be a great NNP. Perhaps it came in the form of a fellow colleague complimenting you on your work, or maybe it was a child’s parent thanking you for your help. Or maybe it was simply a quiet voice inside [...]

Ways to Encourage More Staff Nurses to Become NNPs2019-08-26T17:27:57+00:00

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy

Even the most unique and rewarding roles, like that of a neonatal nurse practitioner, come with potential workplace challenges. From physicians to families, there is always an opportunity for interpersonal conflict. Still, almost no workplace challenge compares to a coworker with destructive habits, and the field of nursing is no [...]

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy2019-07-26T16:11:25+00:00

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online

Don’t believe the fairy tale and protect your privacy   It seemed like a great idea. Post my resume online and get the offer of my dreams for the perfect neonatal nurse practitioner position. Soon I’d be working in the best Magnet hospital with all the latest equipment. I would [...]

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online2019-05-19T16:17:49+00:00