The Evolution of PA’s (and others) Entering the NICU Workforce

Time changes everything...except something within us which is always surprised by change.  -Thomas Hardy It hasn't been very long since the traditional model of only doctors and nurses were the primary staffing model in the NICU. Some hospitals still keep this tradition, while many are using the Neo-NNP (neonatologist — nurse [...]

The Evolution of PA’s (and others) Entering the NICU Workforce2020-07-28T16:54:30+00:00

The Risk of Hiring on Gut Instincts

Why it’s not right for the candidate interview process.   Whether most employers want to admit it or not, the hiring process often comes down to the emotional feels that arise during the interview process. Sometimes this is born out of desperation: i.e., you have an opening at your company [...]

The Risk of Hiring on Gut Instincts2020-07-08T19:35:21+00:00

Strategies to Work Through A Reduction in Force

Managers and human resources have a difficult job, and it is never more difficult than during a time of reduction in force (RIF). It’s easy to think that your worst day is when you lose your job, but perhaps the worst day is when you have to tell your employees [...]

Strategies to Work Through A Reduction in Force2020-07-08T23:20:26+00:00

Sounding the Siren Call for Preceptors

The model for staffing hospitals and the neonatal intensive care unit is changing, but is your hospital ready for that change? In a nurse’s journey to becoming a neonatal nurse practitioner, one of the final steps is working in the hospital under a preceptor. This is often a thrilling time [...]

Sounding the Siren Call for Preceptors2020-07-08T23:21:46+00:00

Why Headhunter Access to Management is a WIN for HR

Many people have fears or anxiety about headhunters to fill positions. However, for a quality organization, a good headhunter can be your best ally and assist your company in many excellent ways. Once the decision has been made to bring in a headhunter, lots of employers restrict the ability of [...]

Why Headhunter Access to Management is a WIN for HR2021-01-24T00:00:27+00:00

Achieving Job Satisfaction for the Nursing Management Professional

How happy are you at your job? Across the board, studies reveal that the majority of nurse managers (70% to 95%) experience a high level of satisfaction on the job. Nevertheless, there are those who suffer from burnout, stress and tense relationships with physicians and administrators. Even here at ENSEARCH, [...]

Achieving Job Satisfaction for the Nursing Management Professional2020-02-04T17:23:07+00:00

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?

- The Pros and Cons - It’s always a difficult question when you are faced with multiple candidates for the same position. It may seem like a no-brainer to hire the experienced candidate, but there is a lot to say for rookies as well. Everyone has to be a rookie [...]

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?2019-11-13T19:55:50+00:00

How to Retain Your Top NNP Talent

As a healthcare professional, you know that qualified neonatal nurses are in short supply. If you recruit NNPs, you may also know that the demand for these exceptional practitioners is predicted to continue to grow over the next few years. Finding and hiring qualified NNPs is a daunting task. Once you [...]

How to Retain Your Top NNP Talent2022-06-23T17:30:10+00:00

Why Are You Struggling to Fill So Many Open Job Requisitions?

Finding a job these days is almost like fishing. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a job or looking to hire someone for a job. It is a difficult position. As a staffing member of Human Resources (HR), it can feel almost like an endless chore to finally [...]

Why Are You Struggling to Fill So Many Open Job Requisitions?2019-08-11T18:01:41+00:00

Is it Time to Let Go? How to Terminate a NICU Employee

Letting go of a team member is one of the toughest aspects of management. Not all NNPs are cut out for the job...or they’re simply not a fit for your unit. It could be for any number of reasons: Poor clinical performance, inappropriate bedside manner, lack of accountability, negative interaction [...]

Is it Time to Let Go? How to Terminate a NICU Employee2019-07-10T00:15:10+00:00