Out of Time?! Daily Time Management Tips for the NNP

NNPs function differently from most other nurse practitioners due to the environment within which we work. We don’t have office hours, we work shifts similar to our nursing colleagues in the NICU. Whether you work 8, 10, 12, 16, or 24 hour shifts, time is always moving forward and requiring [...]

Out of Time?! Daily Time Management Tips for the NNP2022-04-13T02:57:32+00:00

Should I Accept an Employment Counter-Offer?

So you’ve accepted a position with another employer. You resigned from your current job and went through the bright light treatment of the resignation process… but now they offer a counter-offer to stay. What do you do?! Is this a good decision, or even in your best interest? Let's put [...]

Should I Accept an Employment Counter-Offer?2021-10-08T22:15:43+00:00

How to Resign From Your Current Position

There are lots of stress points when considering making a job change: What type of job would warrant making a move? What level of compensation would you consider? Are you willing to relocate...and if so, to where? What about acuity level, delivery, transport, shifts, etc.? And these don’t even take [...]

How to Resign From Your Current Position2021-10-08T22:17:40+00:00

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Growth in NICU Parents

Having a sick child in the NICU is a stressful, if not traumatic experience for many parents. Not surprisingly, most studies on this experience focus on how it psychologically affects parents in a negative way. However, some studies show the experience can also lead to positive psychological growth.  A recent [...]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Growth in NICU Parents2021-08-07T20:29:36+00:00

Why the Need to Edit Your Social Media BEFORE Applying to NNP Jobs

“The most difficult job you’ll ever have is finding your next job.” Job hunting is seldom easy. It can often seem like one is mostly trying to be in the right place at the right time for an unlikely encounter with the perfect employer. This isn't too far from reality. [...]

Why the Need to Edit Your Social Media BEFORE Applying to NNP Jobs2021-04-16T16:08:12+00:00

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU

In real life, neonatal resuscitation is a team effort and an interdisciplinary one at that. Why, then, are our experiences in team-based simulation training (TBST) so limited?  A retrospective pilot study published in the Journal of Perinatology attempted to answer this question. The study assessed 65 TBST events held at [...]

Advocating for Team-Based Simulation Training in the NICU2021-02-16T00:14:31+00:00

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians

As an NNP, you deal with a variety of stressors on the job: staffing shortages, demanding patients, physical exertion, and occasional confrontations with intimidating physicians. Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. But emotional stress can take a serious toll. Disruptive behavior from a physician may include: demeaning or profane [...]

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians2020-10-22T01:03:36+00:00

There’s More to Your Job Offer than Just the Salary

Have you ever looked at a job offer and felt the pitter-patter of your heart? Maybe it’s the butterflies of seeing all that money. Or perhaps, a sense of disappointment at wishing your future employer would have given a better offer. But here’s the bottom line: your compensation is more [...]

There’s More to Your Job Offer than Just the Salary2020-06-18T22:01:02+00:00

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints

Have you ever had one of these scenarios? Time to get medications — the patient is in pain, or you’re already behind on giving scheduled meds, and you just need one medication. You quickly run over to the machine, input your id, and slam your finger on the fingerprint scanner. [...]

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints2020-03-24T17:16:48+00:00