How to Obtain the Nurse Compact RN Before an APN

One of the great perks of working as a NNP is being able to travel to new locations and work in long or short-term (locum tenens) assignments. You do not have to be tied down to one location or another, and this is where the nurse compact comes in handy! [...]

How to Obtain the Nurse Compact RN Before an APN2022-05-07T21:08:16+00:00

5 Ways to Ally Yourself with Your Bedside Nurses as a New NNP

When you graduate from NP school, you hear about working with difficult physicians, earning their respect with your knowledge and work ethic, etc. But what you don’t hear about frequently is the struggle that can occur when you start a new NNP job and have to work with bedside nurses [...]

5 Ways to Ally Yourself with Your Bedside Nurses as a New NNP2021-05-11T02:58:09+00:00

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians

As an NNP, you deal with a variety of stressors on the job: staffing shortages, demanding patients, physical exertion, and occasional confrontations with intimidating physicians. Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. But emotional stress can take a serious toll. Disruptive behavior from a physician may include: demeaning or profane [...]

Tactics For Dealing With Difficult Physicians2020-10-22T01:03:36+00:00

The Evolution of PA’s (and others) Entering the NICU Workforce

Time changes everything...except something within us which is always surprised by change.  -Thomas Hardy It hasn't been very long since the traditional model of only doctors and nurses were the primary staffing model in the NICU. Some hospitals still keep this tradition, while many are using the Neo-NNP (neonatologist — nurse [...]

The Evolution of PA’s (and others) Entering the NICU Workforce2020-07-28T16:54:30+00:00

There’s More to Your Job Offer than Just the Salary

Have you ever looked at a job offer and felt the pitter-patter of your heart? Maybe it’s the butterflies of seeing all that money. Or perhaps, a sense of disappointment at wishing your future employer would have given a better offer. But here’s the bottom line: your compensation is more [...]

There’s More to Your Job Offer than Just the Salary2020-06-18T22:01:02+00:00

Strategies to Work Through A Reduction in Force

Managers and human resources have a difficult job, and it is never more difficult than during a time of reduction in force (RIF). It’s easy to think that your worst day is when you lose your job, but perhaps the worst day is when you have to tell your employees [...]

Strategies to Work Through A Reduction in Force2020-07-08T23:20:26+00:00

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints

Have you ever had one of these scenarios? Time to get medications — the patient is in pain, or you’re already behind on giving scheduled meds, and you just need one medication. You quickly run over to the machine, input your id, and slam your finger on the fingerprint scanner. [...]

Solving the Case of the Disappearing Fingerprints2020-03-24T17:16:48+00:00

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors

The sounds are echoing in your head. You can hear them when you’re eating, when you’re trying to chat with friends, and even in your sleep. It is the sound of beeping alarms. High pitched noises that are made to alert you to changes to your patients — but after [...]

3 Ways to Reduce Alarm Fatigue When Surrounded by Noisy Monitors2019-12-16T18:34:06+00:00

Should a New Graduate NNP Relocate?

(Relocation Blog Series: Part 1 of 3) Deciding whether or not to relocate for your first NNP job after graduation is a tough decision, so at ENSEARCH, we are dedicating three articles surrounding the pros and cons of this decision. It is our goal to help you be informed and [...]

Should a New Graduate NNP Relocate?2019-09-21T17:40:01+00:00