How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions

Honesty is always the best policy “Tell us about a time that you disagreed with your manager. And how did you handle it?” Could there ever be a more difficult question during an interview? (Let’s hope not!) But if just the sight of questions like these gives you the heebie-jeebies, [...]

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions2019-07-26T16:23:44+00:00

What You Need to Know to Ace a Phone Interview as a Nurse Practitioner

In a previous post, The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter, we compared your resume to a ticket to an exclusive party. But now that a prospective employer has agreed to interview you, this party just became more exclusive. Most NNP job interviews actually consist of two interviews: An [...]

What You Need to Know to Ace a Phone Interview as a Nurse Practitioner2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00