Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

Send a CV, Please!  As a member of many national boards and committees, my state collaborative and also in my own work position, I have had the opportunity to review submissions for various volunteer spots, awards, and other job applications. Far too often, I found it difficult to compare candidates [...]

Is There a Difference Between a Resume and a CV?2022-04-13T02:55:24+00:00

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions

Honesty is always the best policy “Tell us about a time that you disagreed with your manager. And how did you handle it?” Could there ever be a more difficult question during an interview? (Let’s hope not!) But if just the sight of questions like these gives you the heebie-jeebies, [...]

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions2019-07-26T16:23:44+00:00

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online

Don’t believe the fairy tale and protect your privacy   It seemed like a great idea. Post my resume online and get the offer of my dreams for the perfect neonatal nurse practitioner position. Soon I’d be working in the best Magnet hospital with all the latest equipment. I would [...]

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online2019-05-19T16:17:49+00:00

The Fastest Way to Get Your Resume to a Hiring Authority

Ever wonder where your application goes after you send it? If so, you’re not alone — we all wonder the same thing. The truth is, nobody knows for sure. The one thing we do know is that the application, interview, and hiring process is faster when it begins with the [...]

The Fastest Way to Get Your Resume to a Hiring Authority2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter

I often compare the hiring process to dating or parties. The interview is like a private exclusive party, and you need to have an invitation to get in. Your resume is your invitation, and if it’s not the right invitation, the bouncer is going to turn you away at the [...]

The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter2019-05-23T18:53:03+00:00

Didn’t Get a Call Back on Your Resume? This is Why.

One of the most common pitfalls for candidates during their job search is to exclusively submit their resume via the employer’s online application process. Most candidates take it for granted that submitting a resume online is the only avenue available to them, and that it’s automatically getting in front of [...]

Didn’t Get a Call Back on Your Resume? This is Why.2019-06-23T20:35:06+00:00