Out of Time?! Daily Time Management Tips for the NNP

NNPs function differently from most other nurse practitioners due to the environment within which we work. We don’t have office hours, we work shifts similar to our nursing colleagues in the NICU. Whether you work 8, 10, 12, 16, or 24 hour shifts, time is always moving forward and requiring [...]

Out of Time?! Daily Time Management Tips for the NNP2022-04-13T02:57:32+00:00

Please Don’t Withdraw Care—Redirect It

As hard as it may be to read the title of this article, it’s even harder to hear “withdraw care” uttered in the NICU on a regular basis. Should we retire and replace this phrase? Should we instead say, “redirect care as appropriate?”    The power of language  Alexander Wolf, [...]

Please Don’t Withdraw Care—Redirect It2022-03-25T13:56:28+00:00

The Changing of the Guard: Ways to Weather a New Manager

In the job arena changes are, for the most part, always evolving. While some employees handle the changes well and in a positive manner, other employees find it most difficult. Even when working with the tiniest of patients in a neonatal unit, a new manager will often bring changes that [...]

The Changing of the Guard: Ways to Weather a New Manager2022-03-10T17:20:23+00:00

Should We Empty NICU Babies’ Stomachs Between Feedings?

Aspirating and monitoring gastric residuals from gavage feeds in preterm newborns is common practice in the NICU. The aim of this practice is to guide the advancement of gavage feeds to enteral feeds. However, even today, we still cannot say with certainty whether or not this practice improves neonatal outcomes. [...]

Should We Empty NICU Babies’ Stomachs Between Feedings?2021-11-06T22:30:02+00:00

Should I Accept an Employment Counter-Offer?

So you’ve accepted a position with another employer. You resigned from your current job and went through the bright light treatment of the resignation process… but now they offer a counter-offer to stay. What do you do?! Is this a good decision, or even in your best interest? Let's put [...]

Should I Accept an Employment Counter-Offer?2021-10-08T22:15:43+00:00

How to Resign From Your Current Position

There are lots of stress points when considering making a job change: What type of job would warrant making a move? What level of compensation would you consider? Are you willing to relocate...and if so, to where? What about acuity level, delivery, transport, shifts, etc.? And these don’t even take [...]

How to Resign From Your Current Position2021-10-08T22:17:40+00:00

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Growth in NICU Parents

Having a sick child in the NICU is a stressful, if not traumatic experience for many parents. Not surprisingly, most studies on this experience focus on how it psychologically affects parents in a negative way. However, some studies show the experience can also lead to positive psychological growth.  A recent [...]

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Growth in NICU Parents2021-08-07T20:29:36+00:00

Karen Lefler: The Interview Series- NNP Spotlight

What is the passion of ENSEARCH? Our passion is the ethical, quality recruitment of amazing people. The people that we work with here at ENSEARCH are stars in their own right. The Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, the recruiters, hospital HR staff, are all part of our family. In this personal series, [...]

Karen Lefler: The Interview Series- NNP Spotlight2021-07-20T16:18:33+00:00