Why the Need to Edit Your Social Media BEFORE Applying to NNP Jobs

“The most difficult job you’ll ever have is finding your next job.” Job hunting is seldom easy. It can often seem like one is mostly trying to be in the right place at the right time for an unlikely encounter with the perfect employer. This isn't too far from reality. [...]

Why the Need to Edit Your Social Media BEFORE Applying to NNP Jobs2021-04-16T16:08:12+00:00

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions

Honesty is always the best policy “Tell us about a time that you disagreed with your manager. And how did you handle it?” Could there ever be a more difficult question during an interview? (Let’s hope not!) But if just the sight of questions like these gives you the heebie-jeebies, [...]

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions2019-07-26T16:23:44+00:00

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview

Congratulations! All your hard work finally paid off: you’ve landed an interview for a neonatal nurse position, at a top-notch facility.   How to land the job Believe it or not, it isn’t the most qualified candidate who lands the job— it’s the one who interviews the best. So, of [...]

How to Ask Excellent Questions During an Interview2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

Maintaining Confidence During Job Offer Negotiations

From time to time, we all experience fear in our lives. Our hearts flutter when we hear strange noises at night. Our adrenaline surges after a near traffic collision. Our stomachs lurch when our children get into trouble at school. For many, negotiating a job offer can be just as [...]

Maintaining Confidence During Job Offer Negotiations2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

What You Need to Know to Ace a Phone Interview as a Nurse Practitioner

In a previous post, The Right Way to Write Your Cover Letter, we compared your resume to a ticket to an exclusive party. But now that a prospective employer has agreed to interview you, this party just became more exclusive. Most NNP job interviews actually consist of two interviews: An [...]

What You Need to Know to Ace a Phone Interview as a Nurse Practitioner2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You

Most people are so caught up in their NNP salary they don’t realize how much they might be missing out on in their overall offer package. We emphasize to our candidates, you’re in an offer negotiation, not a salary negotiation. Here is what you need to know. Some things are not [...]

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You2020-02-04T17:04:30+00:00

Starting an NNP Job Search? 10 Questions to Ask Before Partnering with a Recruiter

Think you’re the only one who is being interviewed during your neonatal job hunt? Think again. In addition to being interviewed, you’ll be interviewing many potential employers yourself. However, the very first interview you should conduct will be the one with your recruiter. Before choosing to place your trust in a [...]

Starting an NNP Job Search? 10 Questions to Ask Before Partnering with a Recruiter2019-03-15T16:42:57+00:00