How to Obtain the Nurse Compact RN Before an APN

One of the great perks of working as a NNP is being able to travel to new locations and work in long or short-term (locum tenens) assignments. You do not have to be tied down to one location or another, and this is where the nurse compact comes in handy! [...]

How to Obtain the Nurse Compact RN Before an APN2022-05-07T21:08:16+00:00

Wedding Bells and U-Haul Trucks: the Relocation Guides for Relationships

(Relocation Blog Series: Part 3 of 3)   Deciding to relocate to a new area requires a great deal of planning and preparation, as we have seen in part 1 and part 2 of our series on relocation. For the final section, we are addressing the most challenging scenario for [...]

Wedding Bells and U-Haul Trucks: the Relocation Guides for Relationships2019-11-19T20:20:10+00:00

Relocation Is More Than Just Finding The Place With Perfect Weather

(Relocation Blog Series: Part 2 of 3) Relocation is a tough decision, so here at ENSEARCH, we are dedicating three articles surrounding the pros and cons of this decision. The first article can be found HERE. It is our goal to help you be informed and knowledgeable on how to [...]

Relocation Is More Than Just Finding The Place With Perfect Weather2019-10-30T22:10:39+00:00

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions

Honesty is always the best policy “Tell us about a time that you disagreed with your manager. And how did you handle it?” Could there ever be a more difficult question during an interview? (Let’s hope not!) But if just the sight of questions like these gives you the heebie-jeebies, [...]

How to Respond to Those Dreaded Behavioral Interview Questions2019-07-26T16:23:44+00:00

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online

Don’t believe the fairy tale and protect your privacy   It seemed like a great idea. Post my resume online and get the offer of my dreams for the perfect neonatal nurse practitioner position. Soon I’d be working in the best Magnet hospital with all the latest equipment. I would [...]

3 Mistakes I Learned From Posting My Resume Online2019-05-19T16:17:49+00:00

Hidden Reasons for the NNP Shortage, and Why You Should Take Action Now

If you’re having a difficult time recruiting exceptional NNPs, there’s a good reason. For the last several years, community hospitals have suffered a national shortage of qualified NNPs.  At the same time, research predicts that, by 2022, the demand for qualified NNPs will grow by 33% — higher than average [...]

Hidden Reasons for the NNP Shortage, and Why You Should Take Action Now2019-03-15T16:42:50+00:00

Maintaining Confidence During Job Offer Negotiations

From time to time, we all experience fear in our lives. Our hearts flutter when we hear strange noises at night. Our adrenaline surges after a near traffic collision. Our stomachs lurch when our children get into trouble at school. For many, negotiating a job offer can be just as [...]

Maintaining Confidence During Job Offer Negotiations2019-03-15T16:42:51+00:00

How to Know if Your Current Job is the Right Fit

Sometimes it’s not easy for us to be objective when we ask ourselves “is this the job for me?” Taking a step back to view your options realistically is often necessary to ensure you’re at the best fit. The more information you have, the better your perspective will be. Get [...]

How to Know if Your Current Job is the Right Fit2020-12-22T00:34:41+00:00

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You

Most people are so caught up in their NNP salary they don’t realize how much they might be missing out on in their overall offer package. We emphasize to our candidates, you’re in an offer negotiation, not a salary negotiation. Here is what you need to know. Some things are not [...]

What You Don’t Know About Offer Negotiations Can Hurt You2020-02-04T17:04:30+00:00