The 3 Minute “Mental Makeover” to Improve Stress for Staff and Families

Not everyone finds writing about stressful experiences to be stress-relieving, especially with a sick child in the hospital. However, expressive writing, also known in the medical setting as Narrative Medicine, has been shown to enhance empathy and resilience and mitigate burnout for healthcare practitioners, patients, and their families.  A recent [...]

The 3 Minute “Mental Makeover” to Improve Stress for Staff and Families2022-07-22T01:53:52+00:00

Self-Governance as a Form of NNP Engagement

The concept of self-governance in nursing has been around for more than 30 years. Since then, the push to include direct care nurses and NNPs in hospital leadership and management decision-making has continued to grow.  Self-governance in neonatal care and all disciplines of nursing stems from the premise that nursing [...]

Self-Governance as a Form of NNP Engagement2022-05-20T02:50:08+00:00

Please Don’t Withdraw Care—Redirect It

As hard as it may be to read the title of this article, it’s even harder to hear “withdraw care” uttered in the NICU on a regular basis. Should we retire and replace this phrase? Should we instead say, “redirect care as appropriate?”    The power of language  Alexander Wolf, [...]

Please Don’t Withdraw Care—Redirect It2022-03-25T13:56:28+00:00

The Changing of the Guard: Ways to Weather a New Manager

In the job arena changes are, for the most part, always evolving. While some employees handle the changes well and in a positive manner, other employees find it most difficult. Even when working with the tiniest of patients in a neonatal unit, a new manager will often bring changes that [...]

The Changing of the Guard: Ways to Weather a New Manager2022-03-10T17:20:23+00:00

Supporting NNP Resilience with “Three Good Things”

A recent, two-week-long study used daily emails and an online survey to measure resilience among NICU workers. You would be justified in wondering if the study itself was meant to test the workers’ resilience. Shockingly, a high percentage of participants dropped out of the study.   All joking aside, this [...]

Supporting NNP Resilience with “Three Good Things”2021-04-14T19:12:56+00:00

Supporting the Mental Health of Your Staff During COVID-19

As of Monday, February 22, 2021, we’ve lost more than 500,000 of our fellow Americans to COVID-19. It’s a heartbreaking and sobering milestone for us all.  New COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are decreasing. Still, the numbers remain stubbornly high, begging the question, how are you and your staff coping [...]

Supporting the Mental Health of Your Staff During COVID-192021-03-06T01:41:27+00:00

Recruiting Passive Candidates vs Active

If candidates actively apply for all your open jobs, one might believe that the hard work of recruitment is over. But just like every coin has two sides, so does recruiting. Sometimes the best candidate isn’t someone who's actively seeking a job change. Finding ways to work with passive candidates [...]

Recruiting Passive Candidates vs Active2021-01-22T23:00:08+00:00

Achieving Job Satisfaction for the Nursing Management Professional

How happy are you at your job? Across the board, studies reveal that the majority of nurse managers (70% to 95%) experience a high level of satisfaction on the job. Nevertheless, there are those who suffer from burnout, stress and tense relationships with physicians and administrators. Even here at ENSEARCH, [...]

Achieving Job Satisfaction for the Nursing Management Professional2020-02-04T17:23:07+00:00

Is it Time to Let Go? How to Terminate a NICU Employee

Letting go of a team member is one of the toughest aspects of management. Not all NNPs are cut out for the job...or they’re simply not a fit for your unit. It could be for any number of reasons: Poor clinical performance, inappropriate bedside manner, lack of accountability, negative interaction [...]

Is it Time to Let Go? How to Terminate a NICU Employee2019-07-10T00:15:10+00:00

How to Support Your Staff During Times of Change — It’s More Than Just Free Donuts

Change ought to be a four-letter word with symbo!s and ast*risks next to it because it conjures up worries and fears faster than a quiet evening on a full moon. Supporting your staff through these times require a delicate balance of determination and love. Kindness and strength. Fortitude and [...]

How to Support Your Staff During Times of Change — It’s More Than Just Free Donuts2020-03-05T16:39:40+00:00