Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?

- The Pros and Cons - It’s always a difficult question when you are faced with multiple candidates for the same position. It may seem like a no-brainer to hire the experienced candidate, but there is a lot to say for rookies as well. Everyone has to be a rookie [...]

Should You Hire an Experienced NNP or a Talented Rookie?2019-11-13T19:55:50+00:00

Ways to Encourage More Staff Nurses to Become NNPs

There was a day when someone decided that you would be a great NNP. Perhaps it came in the form of a fellow colleague complimenting you on your work, or maybe it was a child’s parent thanking you for your help. Or maybe it was simply a quiet voice inside [...]

Ways to Encourage More Staff Nurses to Become NNPs2019-08-26T17:27:57+00:00

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy

Even the most unique and rewarding roles, like that of a neonatal nurse practitioner, come with potential workplace challenges. From physicians to families, there is always an opportunity for interpersonal conflict. Still, almost no workplace challenge compares to a coworker with destructive habits, and the field of nursing is no [...]

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy2019-07-26T16:11:25+00:00

8 Strategies for Adjusting to a New Work Environment

Anyone who has ever started a new job can appreciate how difficult it is to get “settled in.” So much information to absorb; so many new rules, systems, and workarounds to learn. And so little time to get up to speed. Adjusting to a new work environment is downright stressful. [...]

8 Strategies for Adjusting to a New Work Environment2019-03-20T04:43:21+00:00

Everything You Wanted to Know About Asking for a Raise

You’ve been on the job for a while now. You frequently receive recognition for the high quality of your work. Your patients adore you; your colleagues respect you. But when it comes to your paycheck, you’re not feeling the love. Or, maybe you found out that a colleague is earning [...]

Everything You Wanted to Know About Asking for a Raise2019-03-20T04:43:47+00:00

How to Know if Your Current Job is the Right Fit

Sometimes it’s not easy for us to be objective when we ask ourselves “is this the job for me?” Taking a step back to view your options realistically is often necessary to ensure you’re at the best fit. The more information you have, the better your perspective will be. Get [...]

How to Know if Your Current Job is the Right Fit2020-12-22T00:34:41+00:00

7 Ways to Stay Positive in Your Daily Nursing Practice

As with any selfless profession, nursing isn’t for the faint-hearted. As a nurse practitioner, you play the role of hero every day, providing critical, life-saving care and leaving lasting impressions on the lives you touch. But, with the high-intensity and high-performance of this profession, there can be unwanted side effects, [...]

7 Ways to Stay Positive in Your Daily Nursing Practice2019-03-26T01:34:10+00:00

Secrets Nurse Practitioners Are Using To Survive Mixed Shifts

Our candidates often talk to us about the struggles of flipping between day shifts and night shifts. As neonatal nurse practitioners, you will more than likely be asked to rotate your schedule. There’s no nice way to say this: rotating from day to night has the potential to wreak havoc [...]

Secrets Nurse Practitioners Are Using To Survive Mixed Shifts2019-03-15T16:42:53+00:00