5 Steps That Result In A Higher NNP Salary Offer

Sometimes negotiating your job offer with a future new employer could be uncomfortable, if not downright scary. How do you ask for more money? Are you justified in even doing so? Do you even have any good reasons to ask for more money? Knowing what aspects your new employer thinks [...]

5 Steps That Result In A Higher NNP Salary Offer2020-05-15T14:55:07+00:00

Wedding Bells and U-Haul Trucks: the Relocation Guides for Relationships

(Relocation Blog Series: Part 3 of 3)   Deciding to relocate to a new area requires a great deal of planning and preparation, as we have seen in part 1 and part 2 of our series on relocation. For the final section, we are addressing the most challenging scenario for [...]

Wedding Bells and U-Haul Trucks: the Relocation Guides for Relationships2019-11-19T20:20:10+00:00

Relocation Is More Than Just Finding The Place With Perfect Weather

(Relocation Blog Series: Part 2 of 3) Relocation is a tough decision, so here at ENSEARCH, we are dedicating three articles surrounding the pros and cons of this decision. The first article can be found HERE. It is our goal to help you be informed and knowledgeable on how to [...]

Relocation Is More Than Just Finding The Place With Perfect Weather2019-10-30T22:10:39+00:00

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy

Even the most unique and rewarding roles, like that of a neonatal nurse practitioner, come with potential workplace challenges. From physicians to families, there is always an opportunity for interpersonal conflict. Still, almost no workplace challenge compares to a coworker with destructive habits, and the field of nursing is no [...]

Destructive Habits that Drive Your NICU Coworkers Crazy2019-07-26T16:11:25+00:00

Saving Your Hands this Cold and Flu Season

The signs and reminders are everywhere. Wash Your Hands! There are jingles and timers to help you do it long enough. Hand sanitizer dispensers are conveniently placed in convenient areas, and so are little handwashing sinks. You probably could recite the five steps to a perfect handwash, because after all, [...]

Saving Your Hands this Cold and Flu Season2019-03-20T04:40:12+00:00

7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship With Your New Employer

As a NNP, it’s your nature to demonstrate compassion for your patients and their families. That’s part of your job, and you’re good at it. But compassion and trust need to extend beyond the patient, especially when you are new to a facility. If you want to succeed at your [...]

7 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship With Your New Employer2019-03-26T01:29:44+00:00